Although asbestos is largely outlawed in the developed world, it is still a massive industry in the developing world and killing tens of thousands of people each year.
In India it is a $2 billion industry with at least 100 manufacturing plants and employing some 300,000 people. The asbestos is used to make corrugated roofing sheets, wall panels and pipes which sell at cheaper prices than those made of other materials.
The International Labor Organization, World Health Organization, the wider medical community and more than 50 countries say it should be banned as asbestos fibers can lodge in the lungs and cause many diseases. The ILO estimates 100,000 people die every year from workplace exposure, and experts believe thousands more die from exposure outside the workplace.
However, industry members in India say the dangers are overblown, and that they have the relevant safety procedures in place. Nevertheless, residents living near the factories often demonstrate their concerns as to how the presence of asbestos factories near their homes could lead to health hazards for them and many of the workers in the factories have confirmed that they are only given masks to wear on days when inspections take place.
If you or someone you know is suffering from an asbestos related disease, such as mesothelioma, asbestosis, or lung cancer, contact the Law Office of Brayton Purcell, LLP at (800) 598-0314 immediately, or contact us online for a free consultation. You may be entitled to an asbestos payout as part of an individual or class action lawsuit.